Dreaming of a more profitable business that looks & feels aligned with your dreams & goals?

The key is intentional, strategic  branding + effective creative execution for your business


Are you currently feeling…

  • ALONE in your business and unsure of what you should do next?

  • STRESSED out by the amount of time, energy, and work it takes to earn what you want?

  • STUCK with a brand that doesn’t work for you or connect with the clients you dream of serving?

  • FRUSTRATED by all the noise of so many different “experts” telling you what to focus on, change, and improve?

  • OVERWHELMED by the prospect of changing or improving your business when there are so many things to do?

Then The Brand Action Plan is exactly what you need!


Dream big… but don’t stop there.

You need a custom TO YOU, foundation, STRUCTURE & PLAN in place to bring your vision to life and turn your dreams into a thriving, sustainable business that will have you thinking, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” 


The Brand Action Plan with Janel and team was the winning combination for me to 3X my income in less than 30 days!”

“Working with this team was exactly what I needed to be sure I’m doing what I want to be doing in my business and spending my time + money in the right places. Janel and Emily gave me the confidence to charge my prices and structured my offers so I can grow my team and increase my income. They delivered a creative execution plan plus the hands-on support I needed to launch my offers with ease.”


Checkout our their transformation here!


After The Brand Action Plan, You Will…

✓ Feel excited about your work and the impact you get to make.

✓ Have a clear, compelling brand message that attracts your dream clients.

✓ Know exactly where to show up and how to market your business.

Focus on the right things so you consistently move the needle and grow your business.

✓ Improve your profitability and know what to do with the money you make.

✓ Fall in love with the ease, joy, and peace of running a successful, sustainable business that fits your life!

Designing Effective Brand STRATEGY for YOUR BRAND and Business is Like…


If you want chewy chocolate chip cookies, you’ve gotta start with the right ingredients and combine them in the right way.

It’s the same with your brand! If you want a brand that feels authentic + aligned and attracts your dream clients, you need:

  • Clarity

  • Connection

  • Consistency

  • Creativity

  • Conversion

The Brand Action Plan is your own personalized recipe, complete with a custom RoadMap on what to do and where to focus.

So how does The Brand Action Plan thing work?

We’ll dig into your brand – inside and out – to see what’s working and what needs to pivot in order to whip up the smooth, affective and profitable brand you deserve. The Brand Action Plan starts with a 90-minute interview that will help us uncover your unique brand story. Getting crystal clear on who you are, who you want to work with, and what you want to accomplish, is essential to figuring out how to get you where you want to go.

I’ll then take all the juicy details from the interview and come up with a plan of action that will get you the results you want. You can implement that plan on your own or hire me to take care of it for you.

The cost of The Brand Action Plan is applied to the full Brand Build if you move forward with me. Some people choose to just invest in the Brand Action Plan because it’s so valuable on its own!

You’ll get a detailed road map focused on these 3 areas:


We’ll evaluate your visual brand and how well your audience actually understands who you are, what you do, and why it matters. This is where we look at all the pieces that work together to generate effective brand awareness.


Do your core values and mission align with the client you’re trying to attract? We’ll help you see where inconsistencies in how you’re showing up, what you want to do, + who you want to serve are holding your brand back from what you’re capable of.


How you feel about your business matters. There’s no point in making a lot of money if it requires you to sacrifice your health or happiness. We’ll show you how to build a foundation for profitability and contentment. You really can have both!


you’re also getting…

  • Expert eyes on your business, your goals, and your plans

  • Clearly defined priorities so you know where to start and how to focus your energy for the best results

  • Support with choosing what to outsource and trust other professionals with so you only take on the tasks you need to

  • High-touch, hands-on support from creative partners who know how to amplify and grow your vision

  • Space and freedom to expand your vision and dream even bigger


Creative Director & Brand Strategist

Hi, I’m Janel – web designer, photographer, and creative entrepreneur.

I’m obsessed with living my healthiest, happiest life and helping passionate business owners like you do the same! My superpower is taking the dreams in your heart and head and designing a visual brand that communicates the vision & values that drive your business. And I can’t wait to see what we create together!

 You want a successful business that feels easy…

You just need the right partners to link arms and show you the way.